Blind Essays and Term Papers

Henrik Ibsen’s Plays and His Significance As A Dramatist

Henrik Ibsen's Plays and his significance as a Dramatist Ibsen, the 19th century Norwegian dramatist and poet once said, "I am in favor of nothing. I suggest no remedies.... I am not a teacher. I am a painter--a portrait-painter."[1] I do not disagree with Ibsen's candid opinion about himself ...

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Sexual Abuse by Priests

Sexual Abuse by Priests The issue of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in the United States has been amid media attention for more than a decade and has presented high profile problem for local Church officials and the Vatican, such as restitution for the victims, as well as rehabilitation and ...

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Rickshaw by Lao She: An Analysis

Rickshaw The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the novel "Rickshaw" by Lao She, translated by Jean M. James. Specifically, it will focus on the function of the rickshaw as a symbol in the text. Author Lao She uses the rickshaw in the text as a symbol of freedom and ...

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Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievement

American History 1st Hour 1 April 2016 What Was Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievement? "I had reasoned this out in my mind; there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other." This is a quote from Harriet Tubman before she ...

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Medea's Representation In Love and Heroism

Medea, the protagonist of Euripides' play, represents both love and heroism in the work. The tragic end of the play, as well as the extreme actions prompted by her wounded love, however makes her rather a contrast with characters where the outcome is more positive. Medea in her capacity as hero ...

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The House of Mirth: Importance of Beauty and Reputation in Society

Although wealth is a necessary prerequisite in order to secure a place for oneself in society, wealth alone cannot solidify a person's place, and beauty and reputation prove to be essential qualities in the quest to be successful in Edith Wharton's novel, The House of Mirth. In the novel, Lily is ...

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Business Pricing Strategy

Pricing Strategy Pricing is a means of communication with the customer. Pricing no longer represents simply the perceived value of a product, but strategic pricing policy communicates to the customer where the product falls in a range or products, and with the comparison comes a perception of ...

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Education of Adolescent ESE Students

The Nature of the Adolescent ESE Student Educational Issues Statement of Thesis: The purpose of this work is to research and examine the "nature" of the adolescent student categorized as an ESE student due to some disability, impairment or other attributing factor. Further to explore what ...

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Iago's Use Of Rhetorical Appears in Othello

Iago's clever use of rhetorical appeals in William Shakespeare's play, Othello, demonstrates that he is not only smart but also very intuitive when it comes to human nature. By appealing to Othello's logic, or logos, Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona loves him. When he appeals to his ...

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Parental Neglect and Irresponsibility

Parental Neglect and Irresponsibility In each family, it is a necessity for every member to love and support each other. Parental figures play a crucial role in a child’s development and can affect the rest of their lives. Negligent parents can cause awful and distressing events to occur. ...

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Differing Religious Views

Differing Religious Views Lisa Schauer Dickinson State University September 11,2016 Abstract This religious interview was a chance for me to sit down with my mother and discuss our ...

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What Makes A Beautiful Mind (this is the presentation to my essay) CAB Mr. Stewart SWP--Final Draft 10.14.16 What makes a Beautiful Mind??? You may have heard the story. I must tell you of this story. It ...

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Depiction of Courtly Love in Shakespeare, Marlowe, Donne, and Jonson

The Renaissance was an interesting time in literature because many of the writers of this time were experimenting with new techniques based upon medieval ideas. While writers of the Renaissance were concerned with conventional notions, they were also heavily influenced by Humanism. M. H. Abrams ...

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The Independence Day

GOLDEN PEN ESSAY LAMYA KHALID 11C "The Independence Day" A crimson carpet had spread across the veranda which the rented trumpets men stood on, with a few bored blows through the mouthpiece every couple of minutes. Many folk came to admire the grand arrangements and although it was the same ...

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Lord Of The Flies: Evil Is An Inborn Trait Of Mankind

Human is neither innately good nor evil, but in William Golding’s view, evil is an inborn trait of mankind. His perspective leads to massive media critics, which feels that William Golding’s main themes from Lord of the Flies are that there is no hope for humanity. This paper will demonstrate ...

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Masken und die Frage der Identität in Ingmar Bergmans Persona

Masken und die Frage der Identit?t in Ingmar Bergmans Persona Filmanalyse ?bung "Filmanalyse - Cin?philosophie" Mag. Dr. Katharina M?ller WS 2015 Institut f?r Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft Studienkennzahl A 033 580 Universit?t Wien Vorgelegt von Gabriela-Stefani ...

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1984: The Party's Biggest Threat - Love

1984 Research Essay: The Party's Biggest Threat: Love Love is defined as an emotion that is of deep affection towards another individual or thing. In our world as human beings, love is an essential need for one to experience and receive throughout their life (Raghunathan 2014). It is a very ...

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Oedipus' Fatal Flaw: Arrogance

Oedipus' fatal flaw is his arrogance. Because of his arrogance, he could see clearly and he refused to listen to those around him. He does not listen to Teiresias or his wife. Even when those around him try to convince to leave well enough alone, he refuses to do so. He becomes arrogant with ...

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Online Banking Security

Security on the Web - What are the Key Issues for Major Banks? Abstract The age of digital technology - email, Web-driven high-speed communication and information, online commerce, and more - has been in place now for several years, and has been touted as a "revolutionary" technological ...

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Sled Dogs

Sled Dogs A life in need of saving? By: Kayla Dalpé Thinking of going on a family outing, want to do something you'll remember for the rest of your life? Why not go on a dog sled tour! You get to spend time outdoors, surrounded by Quebec's ...

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